

Class Details and Registration are available here.

Are you a believer? Have you trusted Christ as your Saviour? If you have, then realize that every believer has been given a ministry from God. Whether you are a Pastor, a Sunday school teacher, a Deacon, or just a layman, you have been given a ministry – 2 Cor. 2:18. Your ability to grow spiritually and influence others to do so, is in direct proportion to your level of knowledge in God’s word. In 2 Tim. 2:15, Paul tells Timothy to study the scriptures for God’s approval and to be able tell the difference between truth and error. Can you detect truth from error? Knowing the scriptures is vital to your success in living the Christian life and serving the Lord, Hosea 4:6. Bibleline Institute will deepen your knowledge of scripture and teach you how to apply that knowledge in your life. Thank you.

Mission Statement

Equipping the Saints through sound Bible doctrine and application, to direct, challenge, and multiply the body of believers called the Church, Ephesians 4:12.

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